lundi 2 février 2015

Published by Marc

Seeing and experiencing nudity seems to be rare during the prudish19thcentury: let us try to explore some opportunities. At first, nudes invade public space through neoclassic and academic art, to the detriment of reality; the social conventions also allow women to unveil some parts of their body, but only in specific cases; and yet we don’t know very much about nudity in private spaces or practices, as sexuality or self washing. Nudity could rather be experienced in border places, as brothels, or in new somatic culture fabrics, as beaches, barracks or gymnasium; it is also broadcasted by the new medical culture.
Anne Carol, « La nudité au XIXe siècle », Rives nord-méditerranéennes, mis en ligne le 15 juin 2009, consulté le 02 février 2015. URL :